Mrs. Sudha Kailash turned 50 a few days ago. Not just any fabulous 50 but for 40 years winning over Type 1 DM.
May 1975, a very eventful time in young Sudha's life. At the age of 10, she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. We asked Sudha a few questions and she shared this with us
How was your childhood after your diagnosis?
I stopped using sugar and eating sweets and I understood that I have to live with diabetes. Being a very positive person, I think I managed it quite well
Did you worry about your future?
Not too much except for an occasional thought about possible complications like eyes and kidneys. I learnt at a young age to face health issues and be brave.
How has marriage changed your attitude to diabetes?
My husband also has Type 1 diabetes from the age of 17. From him I learnt to be completely independent earlier. I used to feel shy to take insulin in front of others but after marriage l am not worried about being seen as a diabetic. We care for each other and want to be there for each other and we lead a perfectly normal life.
Has diabetes stopped you from doing anything?
l paint and do other craft related hobbies even after 3 vitrectomies. Nothing can stop me. Surely not diabetes.