DIWAS is a not-for-profit initiative, committed to promoting the health of girls and women, especially non communicable diseases like diabetes, through programs, both long-term and short-term, with a specific focus on promoting the diagnosis and prevention of diabetes in women.Our target groups range from high school and college girls, working professionals, pregnant women, women with diabetes, caregivers and homemakers. Our focus is on prevention of NCDs through awareness and advocacy programs.Our belief is that women can have the power to change the trajectory of their health when they are empowered with knowledge, skills and the necessary tools. Our goal is to transform the risk and occurrence of NCDs by improving health literacy.
Need for DIWAS
Women are key agents of change, both in society and within their families. DIWAS has identified preconception care as a core objective and central to its mission to provide women with the skills, tools and knowledge. Some driving factors for this are, more than 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, women of reproductive age are at risk for several health issues, like obesity, stress, prediabetes, nutritional deficiencies, vitamin D deficiencies, exposure to toxins. Gestational diabetes has become the most common disorder in pregnancy, 1 in 4 women in south asia developing HIP (Hyperglycemia). DIWAS works with women to plan their journey to motherhood, focusing on preconception health, through a preventative lense. Pregnancy is the window to future chronic diseases and the detection, correction and monitoring of these health issues prior to pregnancy has been shown to promote a healthier pregnancy and better outcomes for both mother and baby.

Women are key to making a change for themselves and their families. As part of the movement, DIWAS hopes to create a platform for women of many walks of life, to work together to help other women make their own health a top priority.
Women’s Health?

Why is DIWAS focusing on preconception health awareness?
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Dr. Usha’s Biography
Dr Usha Sriram
Founder, Physician, leading Endocrinologist and Diabetologist, Medical Ethics Practitioner, Women’s Health Advocate.
Dr Usha has been practising in Chennai, India and is a renowned speaker in many conferences. She plays an active role in capacity building of physicians and in community education programs. Her achievements as a physician are not limited to a successful clinical practice but includes significant contributions to research activities in the areas of osteoporosis, diabetes, paediatric endocrinology in addition to her own initiatives on gestational diabetes, osteoporosis, childhood obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome.

“Dr Usha is a recipient of the Otto Schwartz teacher of the year award”
Women’s health has been an area of focus and interest of hers since she began her fellowship in endocrinology. Her belief that women’s life course has great impact on all aspects of their health (mental & physical), has been a guiding principle in her approach to women’s health issues. She started at the Kalyani Medical Centre (the oldest and most revered institution for all things related to women’s health), and this has shaped her thinking to focus on critical issues like gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause and non-communicable diseases in women.
Dr Usha Sriram has been a strong voice for women’s health and empowerment and she believes that her work has just begun and much needs to be done.
She strongly believes that “It is truly a blessing to be able to be a part of someone’s life and be of some help and comfort during their most vulnerable times”.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
- Handbook
What to expect after delivery
- My Plate for Gestational Diabetes
- Guide for Postpartum Follow up
- Snakes and Ladders
- SitaGita Story